Get Mindvalley discount using our exclusive promo code. You can access Mindvalley membership at 60% off and access unlimited features and amazing courses.
Our discount is applicable to everyone for a limited time, so make sure to grab the opportunity before it runs out.
Dive into the details of how to get a Mindvalley discount and more.
Claiming Mindvalley Discount: Step-By-Step Guide
If you are trying to avail yourself of this unbelievable 60% discount on Mindvalley membership, here is how you can do that in these simple steps.
Step 1: You can go to the official website of Mindvalley.

Step 2: Click on the “Membership” option.

Step 3: Click on the annual membership for a 60 percent discount.

Step 4: Fill in the card details and subscribe to the annual membership of Mindvalley.

Once you hit subscribe, fill in the payment details, and you will get your details by email. You can begin your Mindvalley journey with this unbelievable discount.
It was that simple. The best thing about this process is that you don’t have to apply any coupon code. The code was already implemented the moment you chose the annual plan.
Mindvalley Membership: What Perks You Can Enjoy?
Now that you have learned how to avail yourself of your 60 percent discount, You might be wondering about the perks of having this membership. What do you get with this annual membership?
Let’s peek at a few of the best perks of getting a Mindvalley membership.
- Access to a Wide Range of Courses
- Renowned Instructors
- Transformational Learning Experiences
- Engaging and Interactive Format
- Flexibility and Convenience
- Global Community
- Practical Tools and Techniques
- Focus on Well-being
- Exclusive Events and Offers
I have been using Mindvalley for a quite time now read my honest experience Mindvalley
Perks of Choosing Mindvalley Membership Over Quests
Mindvalley Quests is an online transformational program. They can significantly improve your life in a matter of weeks.
There are several unique perks related to choosing Mindvalley Membership over individual quests. Let’s learn more about it.
- Cost-Effectiveness
One of the most significant uses of having a Mindvalley Membership is its wholesome scheme and accessibility. A Minvalley membership provides access to multiple courses and resources at a single subscription fee.
This is beyond cost-effective as you won’t have to subscribe to individual quests and access the membership uninterrupted.
- Unlimited Access
Opting for a Mindvalley membership grants you unlimited access to all courses and content available on the platform. With this, you gain the freedom to explore and delve into multiple areas of personal development without any limitations.
- Flexibility and Variety
Mindvalley membership provides you the flexibility to explore and switch between different quests.
It allows you to dive into various topics, from mindfulness and meditation to entrepreneurship and relationships, empowering you to create a personalized learning journey.
- Community and Support
You can become a major part of a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded individuals by opting for membership. This is only possible with this Mindvalley membership. That overweighs a Mindvalley membership significantly.
- Continuous Learning and Updates
You can learn about new and updated content regularly with a membership. You can access updates regularly and make informed decisions based on that. This can help in keeping your journey engaging and personalized.
- Access to Exclusive Content
Mindvalley membership provides access to exclusive content. Some of it may not be available through individual quests.
The exclusive content includes bonus materials, masterclasses, and additional resources. They can undoubtedly enhance your learning and personal growth journey.
- Live Sessions with Renowned Experts
One of the perks of choosing a Mindvalley membership is the chance to participate in live sessions with renowned experts in various fields.
These live sessions can help you to interact directly with the teachers, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance and insights.
You’ll have the chance to engage in real-time discussions, deepen your understanding of the teachings, and gain valuable insights from experts who have dedicated their lives to mastering their respective subjects and crafts.
List of Popular Quests After Signing Up for Mindvalley Memberships (Our Picks)
The Mindvalley membership offers a plethora of incredible quests. They are personalized and easy to access with a membership.
Let’s peek at some of the best Mindvalley membership quests. These are popular, helpful, and above all, transformative.
- Duality by Jeffrey Allen
- Superbrain by Jim Kwik
- Lifebook Online by Jon & Missy Butcher
- Wildfit by Eric Edmeades
- 6 Phase Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani
- Silva Ultramind by Vishen Lakhiani
- Speak & Inspire by Lisa Nichols
- Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
- Chakra Healing by Anodea Judith
- Uncompromised Life by Marisa Peer
- Feng Shui For Life by Marie Diamond
- The Habit of Ferocity by Steven Kotler
- The Mastery of Sleep by Michael Breus
Check Mindvalley’s official website for the most up-to-date information on popular quests and courses.
They are ever-evolving, and new quests are coming regularly on the website. You can access these quests with your membership and make good use of your time.
Here I have listed the best Mindvalley courses in detail.
Mindvalley Membership: Pricing
There are varied types of membership available with Mindvalley. They can cater to different needs, demands, and groups. Let’s learn more about these in detail.

- Mindvalley Monthly Membership
You can pay a fixed monthly fee and be free to dive into different topics and areas of personal growth with a monthly membership. It gives you a choice to explore and take your time with various quests and services.
You can now avail of this at a discounted rate of $59/month.
- Mindvalley Yearly Membership
If you seek a long-term commitment, a yearly Mindvalley membership can be perfect for you. You receive all the benefits of the monthly membership with the added advantage of a discount of 60 percent.
Yearly membership is available at just $25/month.
The yearly membership is not just cost-effective, but it also ensures a hassle-free experience with Mindvalley. You can get the best of the quests at this discounted rate. If you are still skeptical about Mindvalley, you can always try Mindvalley for free.
- Pro Membership
The Pro Membership is an upgraded version of the standard membership. You can have group coaching sessions with Vishen and special guests and access the Lifelong Shift group Embodiment session.
These monthly sessions can accelerate your growth and learning experience. These are in addition to the benefits of standard membership.
You can avail of the pro membership at $498. If you already are a Mindvalley member, you can upgrade your standard membership to pro membership for $199 in your first year.
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Final Thoughts: Grab 60% Mindvalley Discount
Mindvalley membership offers a dynamite transformative learning experience. It can help you gain empowerment and go on this journey you deserve. You can find like-minded people, learn from the experts, and help yourself be better every day.
With its vast library of courses and quests, expert instructors, and community, Mindvalley bolsters the journey of self-improvement and holistic development. You don’t have to go on this spiritual quest alone.
Mindvalley makes this easier than ever by giving these unbelievable discounts. They help make the costs more affordable and help people from around the globe benefit from it.
You can immensely push your mindfulness and healing journey on Mindvalley. It’s worth your time and investment in every sense. You can begin your journey now by subscribing to the Mindvalley Discount.
It has helped millions. You could be the next one.