Author name: Sharon Andrews

Sharon Andrews is the mindfulness expert at Goleman EI, where she brings her extensive experience with Mindvalley courses to life. Having completed nearly every offering from Mindvalley, Sharon now dedicates her expertise to dissecting and explaining each course's nuances. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned learner, Sharon's insights ensure you get the most out of your Mindvalley experience.

6+ Ways To Use Law of Detachment (Including Myths And Tips)

According to Deepak Chopra, a famous Indian-American alternative medicine advocate, and author, there are “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,” and the sixth one is the Law of Detachment.  Many of you hold on tightly to those attachments and desires, fearing that letting go might result in losing control or missing out on opportunities. However, the …

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Spiritual Cleansing: 10 Rituals To Cleanse Your Soul (2024)

Spiritual cleansing is a vast concept with the power to help in balancing harmony in your life and help you restore balance. Spiritual cleansing involves various practices, including energy healing, meditation, chakra balancing, etc.  If you are wondering what spiritual cleansing is and how to begin your spiritual cleansing journey, this article will be your …

Spiritual Cleansing: 10 Rituals To Cleanse Your Soul (2024) Read More »

10 Best Mindvalley Courses To Transform Yourself In 2024

Mindvalley is packed with hundreds of courses and quests, and all of them serve different purposes for individuals. With so many choices on the deck, deciding which course is better for your personal development can be difficult.  As a Mindvalley learner, I understand the confusion to pick the right courses. Based on my personal experience …

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Best High Vibrational Foods To Try In 2024

Have you ever stopped to think about how the food you consume impacts your overall well-being? It’s not just about satisfying hunger or fulfilling nutritional needs; what you eat can profoundly affect your physical health, as well as your emotional and spiritual states. In recent years, the concept of high-vibrational foods has gained significant attention, …

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How to get smarter

How To Get Smarter In 2024 (Detailed Guide And Tips)

Ever wondered about that mate who effortlessly solves complex problems, remembers details with uncanny precision, and exudes an aura of intellect? Well, here’s some mind-blowing news for you: intelligence isn’t some mystical trait only available to a select few.  It’s an evolving entity that can be developed and fine-tuned over time. And guess what? Your …

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What Is Intrapersonal Intelligence? Know All About It

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a better understanding of themselves and their emotions? The answer lies in Intrapersonal Intelligence. Defined not by our ability to solve complex equations or grasp abstract concepts but by the profound understanding of our own emotional and mental state, intrapersonal intelligence sheds light on our …

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